The Link Between ADHD and Anxiety
One of the reasons I decided to get certified to treat ADHD is that I began to notice different themes in the clients that I was working with. A lot of my work was already centered around managing anxiety, but in some cases the origin of the anxiety revealed itself to be a result of different features of ADHD. It turns out that studies have shown a comorbidity rate of 20-47% between ADHD and Anxiety Disorders. When you really break it down, we can see why. Read on to learn about the links between ADHD and Anxiety.
The effects of ADHD are global in many people’s lives. As we now know from previous blogs, ADHD causes impairment in our executive functions such as focus/attention, organization, emotional and motivation regulation, and memory. If you apply this to someones life you may see it in the pattern of:
forgetting to do a task
remembering the task, but having trouble initiating it (procrastination)
once started, struggling to stay focused and organized
getting overwhelmed and abruptly stopping the task
This pattern can show up for a range of tasks, all the way from brushing your teeth to booking a vacation, and everything in between like doctors appointments, homework assignments, cleaning, cooking/eating, etc.
Focus, Organization, & Time Management
The constant challenges in focusing, organizing tasks, and managing time that people with ADHD face can lead to feelings of stress and overwhelm. Many people with ADHD also describe a constant level of overwhelm, or may reach feelings of overwhelm sooner than those without ADHD. This experience can cause a sense of underachievement and a struggle to meet expectations, both self-imposed and from others, which can contribute to the development of anxiety.
For some, ADHD can lead to impulsivity and hyperactivity. The way this shows up can look like interrupting others in social interactions, out-of-control spending, and/or rash decisions. Sometimes this impulsive behavior can result in embarrassment or regret, further fueling anxious thoughts. Restlessness and hyperactivity can also make it hard for individuals to relax or engage in activities that promote calmness, potentially exacerbating feelings of anxiety.
For many people with ADHD memory can be an area of difficulty. This may show up in conversation and forgetting what you were about to say next, which can lead to feelings of social anxiety. I can also look like not recalling information from a book you read or a class you took, which can exacerbate symptoms of anxiety when it comes time to take a test. You may also have a chronic feeling like you’re forgetting something, which in some cases may in fact be true. Often, things like appointments or important dates fall to the wayside, which can also increase feelings of anxiety and underachievement.
Because the two experiences of ADHD and Anxiety can be closely related, making sure we can learn to manage both is important for our overall well-being. If you want to get started in learning how to work with your ADHD or anxiety symptoms, reach out today to schedule a consultation!
*Please note that this blog is for your information only and does not constitute clinical advice or establish a client-counselor relationship.